Sunday, July 26, 2015

{Week 1} BTS In a Flash! Teacher MUST haves!

I just finished summer school on Friday, so now I can technically start my summer vacation. Wohoo! I have one month to complete my to-do list! Of course, half of that list involves school related things. First up is grabbing some of my favorites when they go on sale. While I am checking the Sunday sale flyers, I'm linking up with some other fabulous bloggers to share our teacher favs. I cannot wait to see what everyone else has linked up, before I start my annual back to school pilgrimages to Walmart, Staples, Target & Amazon! Besides the norm, my EC planner, flair pens, and other fun office must-haves, I am sharing with you today two essential teacher items you might not know about! 

Have you ever used one of these babies? These PaperPro staplers are AMAZING. Not only do they make simple stapling a fun task, but they make hanging bulletin boards a BREEZE! You barely need to apply force and staples shoot out like an air gun. They are kind of pricey though...between $10-$15. I will let you in on my top secret. Ready? Have you checked out the office supply part of CVS? Do you have a CVS rewards card? You know one of those free cards you scan every time to you in the store and receive coupons? Maybe I just go to CVS too much, but I earn Extra Care bucks like it's my job! This summer I actually got TWO of these staplers for free! You'd think I'd hit the lotto because I was so excited. The lady who rang out my order actually laughed because she had never seen someone so excited over a stapler before! Believe NEED this! 

Another MUST have for any classroom is the 3M Heavy Duty Double Sided Tape! My jail cell, I mean classroom, has white cement walls that nothing attaches to. Since it is ridiculously hot, most of the time, the humidity pulls off anything and everything from the walls. I've had amazing luck with this awesome tape. It is pricey, but a little goes a LONG way! 

Nine years ago when I started teaching, a retired teacher invited herself to help set up my classroom. I had just finished my year long internship with this woman and had grown close to her. I was thrilled to be hired right after student teaching, but sad to see this teacher retire. She showed up with her hands FULL of supplies. She had a son in high school, but told me she had always wanted a daughter and always wanted to help "her" set up a classroom. He son wanted nothing to do with teaching, so she knew that was never going to happen. I was thrilled to be the replacement. To make a long story short, she brought me a TON of teacher essentials, which included a GIANT and I mean GIANT roll of this tape. It is so GIANT that I am still using it. I can just imagine how much it cost!!! I am so thankful for her and think of her every time I pull it out of the cabinet to use. 

These are my two essentials, but I cannot wait to check out all the other posts. I have a list next to me that is growing by the minute! Check back next week for more back to school information to help you prepare for a great year! :) 

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