Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We made it to 100!!

*Insert me jumping up and down here!" We made it to 100 followers!! Yahoo!!! If you missed my Monday post below and would like to help us celebrate our first milestone of 100 followers, consider donating to our giveaway below! Simply fill out the form and I will add you to the list! I will get the giveaway ready this weekend and it will go up on Monday! :)

Thank you to all of my blogger friends who have signed up already! It means so much to us to be a part of such amazing and supportive online community of teachers! We love sharing our ideas and learning from each and every one of you! We are looking forward to many more milestones and much more fun to be shared and celebrated with you all! :)


  1. Woo hoo! Congratulations on 100! :) I don't know how I missed your post on Monday, but will certainly help out!
    Off to fill in the form now :)

    Joy in the Journey

  2. Hooray!!!! I'm pretty sure I filled in the form- let me know if I didn't!!
    ideas by jivey

  3. Congratulations! I started following you yesterday so I hope I was number 100!
    Still Teaching After All These Years

  4. Congrats! Next goal? Smiles and stop by anytime!

  5. Congrats on 100 yay!!! I'm filling out the form as soon as I'm done posting... =) Yay for 100

    Just Wild About Teaching

  6. Congratulations! I just saw your blog title on someone else's blog and it was so cute I had to pop over... Now you've got OVER 100 followers!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem


We absolutely LOVE comments and reply back to every single one. Unfortunately, the way the site is set up, you will not be notified when we reply. Make sure you have your email address linked up to your account. We will reply to you by email! Thank you SO much for stopping by and reading what we have to say.