Social Studies used to be a small subject that was put on the back burner during the year. Since we
are now much better at integrating subjects together and teaching social studies content through language arts standards, it seems like there is more of a chance to get some learning in.
In fourth grade, our social studies curriculum revolves around geography. Plain and simple...Regions of the United States and Geography. Pretty bland. Not memorizing states and capitols anymore, but actually understanding that Connecticut is on one side of the United States and California is on the other side. The climate for those two states are different, that there might be reasons why people choose to live in those states, and the culture is also diverse throughout the United States. Just teaching those skills to students does not leave a lot of integration into content or inquiry based learning.
Nobody knows more than teachers, how to whip a boring topic into something fascinating, but it does take a lot of work and research. Kids tend to get bored with anything they can simply ask Seri about, so why not use it to our advantage? In an age when maps are becoming alive on smartphone screens, it is important to make full use of these devices’ capabilities. Check out some ides below.
Combine interactive maps with multimedia
An easy way to provide rich information on a given location is to incorporate audio and video to a landmark. Multimedia is highly engaging with students, and can give context to what is otherwise little more than a name or dot on a map. The ability to access the material individually at any given time makes mobile learning suitable for both work in class and revision at home. Kids can easily use Google Maps for this idea. Google Maps can be used on an I-pad, I-pod, or even Chrome Book!
If your students are like mine, nothing sparks their interest like the word "competition". Here's a great idea, divide a class into teams and let them compete for points in a landmark scavenger hunt. Once students learn map skills, take them outside on the playground for a fun scavenger hunt. Before school mark some "landmarks" with spray paint (can simply be an X on the grass). Clues can be given from one spot to the other and the first team to finish, wins! They can use the compass app on the ipad for extra map skill practice. It's even more fun part to make a rule that at each landmark they have to snap a picture with their group at the spot. This might take some prep, but it will be something the students remember forever, not to mention put those map skills to use!
Summer Postcards
When you send a "Welcome" letter to students during the summer, ask them to send you a postcard
from where ever they travel over the summer. Create an easy bulletin board with these postcards and the students will be excited to see that they contributed to the classroom without even knowing! Let students point out what landmarks they find fascinating and create a buket-list of important places they'd like to research or visit someday. Active participation in the learning process is proven to increase academic success, and now students can take part in shaping the study material, both for themselves as well as for their classmates.
My students LOVE music in the classroom and so do I. I use it for transitions, rewards, brain breaks, background noise, and learning. There are so many different geography songs on youtube, but my favorite it the
Tour of the States, where the man draws as the song plays. We also put the CC on and sing along and before long the students know all the states and capitols. They also get the visual of where each state is located in the United States.
Engaging Work
Sure there might be some worksheets and ideas online, but I put together my own curriculum for Geography that is great completed in order. Let's face it, I LOVE hands on activities, but sometimes students need to learn or be refreshed on the skills before they can successfully attempt the hands on activities listed above. These are the PERFECT Map Skills Units. They are excellent for sub plans, homework, morning work, or a reinforcement worksheet. I like to have fun with my students so I incorporated a lot of crayon/color work, fun clip art, and visual aids to help my students master geography skills. Not confident in teaching map skills and geography? No worries, my units are teacher friendly and explain EVERYTHING. There are extensions and technology ideas for each unit as well as answer keys too. I have heard this works well with grades 2-5 and students and teachers love how organized it is. I have. Of course word wall words are provided for each unit and
Geography 1,
Geography 2, and a
bundle deal containing both!
So what are your go to plans for teaching Geography? Let me know in the comments!