Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tried it Tuesday: Weekly Parent Newsletters!

It's time to link up with Fourth Grade Flipper for Tried it Tuesday and with Technology Tailgate for Techie Tuesday! I love these link ups and often find so many new ideas to test out.


This year my goal was to get better at keeping parents informed. I thought of sending home a newsletter, but didn't want to recreate the wheel each week. Because of this, I created a Power Point file with TEN editable newsletters. It's supper easy and convenient because each week I just click in the precreated text boxes and type. I save the newsletter as a PDF and send it off to parents.


Another great tip is creating a parent group in email. I could take you step by step on how to do that, but I have a school email program called Novell GroupWise. If anyone also uses that and would like directions, please email me, I'd love to help. My parent group is listed as ~Parents2013. When I type that in the address section it automatically emails all of the parents. If you didn't want to send it by email, you could always print the newsletter and send it home with the notices at the end of the week. The parent response has been awesome. Most of the times I have parents press "reply" and thank me for keeping them in the loop and involved in their child's education. 

I also add a picture collage page. I simply pull out my cell phone and snap some pictures during the week of projects, great handwriting, proud students, smiles, and even some at recess time. I email the pictures from my phone to the computer, drag them onto power point to create a college, turn the power point into a pdf and attach that to the email as well. The parents love seeing their child at school and in action. I know being a parent I love communication and pictures from my child's teacher (even if she is only in pre-school) so I'm sure it goes for most parents. 

If you'd like to check this out and try it check out the Editable Newsletter Bundle on TPT

It has great reviews and one buyer stated, "This is a must have file for any teacher K-6. The templates are beautiful and you will easily be able to send home good news or post it on your school site!"

I love positive feedback. Thank you! :)

To start you off, I created a FREEBIE for a November themed editable newsletter for you to test out and try! Please let me know what you think! :) 


Good luck! I hope this was helpful! :)

Want to know a little secret? Check back tomorrow for your chance to empty or put a HUGE dent in your TPT wishlist!!! :) 


  1. I feel very blessed to have my whole group of students with email. It truly makes it easier to send the whole group something quickly. Of course I would send home a paper copy of my newsletter if someone didn't have internet or email. Your newsletter templates are perfect!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. Your newsletter templates are adorable! Great way to keep your parents informed!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. I love this!! Your collage of photos is such a wonderful idea too. I'm sure your parents really appreciate it. Now you have me thinking about how I could work in something like that! Thanks for sharing!
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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