Anyways, after being on blogger since January, I've made a ton of blog friends, but by being on Instagram, I cannot believe on how many blogs, teachers, and linky parties I've been missing out on. If you know me, you know I love to link up with friends to share ideas. I also love to host linky parties with other blogs. Be prepared for an awesome linky coming Saturday! You'll need some school supplies, a picture, and a blog post... ;)
I have chosen the song "Firework" by Katy Perry to link up with Tunes Tuesday today. If you haven't heard this song, which I'm sure you have by now, it's great and my 4th graders always love it. Not only are they familiar with it, but they love Katy Perry too. It is usually stuck in everyone head, by the time we leave school. We practiced finding similes, metaphors, personification, and onomatopoeia using this song. I've created a freebie so you can try it out too! Head over to Sweet Rhyme & Pure Reason to see all the wonderful link ups and get all the free songs to make grammar more fun in your classroom this year! Let me know what you think! :)
I have chosen the song "Firework" by Katy Perry to link up with Tunes Tuesday today. If you haven't heard this song, which I'm sure you have by now, it's great and my 4th graders always love it. Not only are they familiar with it, but they love Katy Perry too. It is usually stuck in everyone head, by the time we leave school. We practiced finding similes, metaphors, personification, and onomatopoeia using this song. I've created a freebie so you can try it out too! Head over to Sweet Rhyme & Pure Reason to see all the wonderful link ups and get all the free songs to make grammar more fun in your classroom this year! Let me know what you think! :)
Click on the preview to download the file for FREE! :)
I am co-hosting a fun school supplies linky starting Saturday so be sure to check back. I am off to Michael's today to grab some supplies for a craft that I've been meaning to make! Stay tuned for pictures! It involves zebra print, mustaches, hot pink, and lime green! Wohoo! :)
Thanks so much for the freebie! I have seen this idea on Pinterest, and I know my 4th graders will love it! Thanks for making it easy for me...easy is good!
Fluent in Fourth
Great song to hook students into learning about figurative language. They'll love listening to Katy Perry in class. :)
Read With Me ABC
Thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to your school supply link! Yay!
Grade 4 Buzz
Thanks so much for the kind words and for linking up! I love your lyric sheet, and I know my kiddos love this song!
Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Love this song. I so inspired by all the great song lyrics everyone is posting for this linky! Grammar with be so much more fun this year! Thanks for sharing!
On the Trail of Learning
The kids LOVE this song and definitely learn from it.
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
This song is perfect for figurative language! Thanks for sharing your activity!
Head Over Heels For Teaching