I am excited to share my brilliant new finding with all of you today for Monday Made It!
One of my wonderful partners showed me these awesome, plastic, self adhesive, name plates from Really Good Stuff. I loved them because they are very sturdy and when changing the students seats, they pull out their index card and move. This does not involve scraping the desks with razor blades, peeling stickers, time, energy, or a mess.
These sturdy little stickers are quite pricey though, I will
warn you. I needed enough for fifty students. Although I have seventy
five lucky fourth graders, the other twenty five do not have assigned
seats and often sit around the room for Second Step lessons. I ended up
paying $63.00 for three packs of 18 tags. These suckers better last all
So far the kids were THRILLED to be able to design their own index card and slip it in the sleeve.
Once the kids found out I'd write their name in bubble letters or cursive for them, I ended up doing everyone's name tags to their liking. The students colored them while they waiting for others to finish their morning work.
So far, so good! :)
am so excited to link up for Monday Made It today because - See more
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