Friday, July 26, 2019

Calling All Science Teachers!

Do you teach science? If so, they you probably stumbled by our blog and realized I (Theresa) teach science and love it. Robyn teaches ELA and couldn't imagine teaching any other subject. I love being departmentalized in school and focusing on one subject matter. I am able to bring clarity to my students because focusing on planning one class (taught three times a day) is much easier than teaching every subject, every day. Props to you elementary school teachers who teach it all, I don't know how you do it.

Anyways, we have an amazing online science curriculum that I love, called StemScopes. We teach through inquiry and use Claim, Evidence, & Reasoning to write about our science learning. I'd love to hear about what you do in science class. I've written a few more blog posts about specific lessons I teach in science, so be sure to search the blog for ideas and lessons.

As I print out materials for my classroom since I moved rooms and our entire school is getting renovated (see my last post). I wanted to share these awesome posters I will be hanging up in my classroom again.

My students come into 4th grade knowing what a claim is and how to talk about evidence, but they do not move into reasoning until the end of 4th/beginning of 5th. We use the same vocabulary in reading and math, so understanding what CER means is very important for success. My students find these posters so helpful and easy to understand.

Today there are over 41 *five star* ratings on this product and some feedback the feedback we have received is so positive:

I love knowing I've helped out other teachers and even better helped SO many students feel successful in science. Let me know what you use in science to help your students explain their understanding.

1 comment:

  1. The emphasis on creativity and hands-on learning is refreshing, as it can make science more engaging for young learners. I believe combining such teaching methods with science tuition outside school can further solidify students' understanding. Tuition can offer individualized attention and reinforce concepts taught in class, helping students develop a deeper passion for science. Posts like this motivate educators to think beyond textbooks, making learning both fun and impactful.


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