Sunday, March 24, 2013

Freebie: 5 Bright Star Frames!

Happy Monday!!!

If you love freebies....PLEASE follow our blog! :) You won't regret it! 

If you thought last week's freebie was fun, wait until you see what we have for you today! First we made really cute and useful flags, then it was the polka dot paper, and now we have really fun and BRIGHT star frames. I love these because they are a great accessory to any worksheet or project. I have even included a black and white version for easy black and white printing.

This was my first attempt at making frames and I think they came out pretty good! I'd love to know what you think! Leave me some comment love here or on TPT! 

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. I am always in need of new frames and digital paper. THANK YOU! Super cute :)
    The Techie Teacher

  2. Thanks for sharing. I'm just starting to use frames from others, and I am looking forward to using these.
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  3. Thanks for the frames! They are so cute!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  4. Hi! Cute blog. Love the frames :)

    Your newest follower,
    Ms. H.
    Live, Love, Laugh in 2nd Grade

  5. Cute frames! I'm your 70th follower!!! Woot!

  6. Totally loving these!! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  7. I love these! I was wondering if I could get the black and dotted border frames as well? Do you sell them? Thanks!


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