Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tried it Tuesday/Guest Blogging!

Hi Friends,

While Jivey is away with her toes in the sand, I am sitting in my children's kiddie pool playing tea party with my daughter and having squirt gun fights with my son. Unfortunately, I am too wide to fit down the slide, but I bet when Robyn comes over on Wednesday, she will be flying down the slide with the kids. Oh well, at least I'm cooling down in this crazy heat wave!

Anyways, I am guest blogging for Jivey over on her amazing blog. Come check out what I have to say today on Ideas By Jivey! On Jivey's blog, I am also linking up with Tried it Tuesday! :)

I'm not going anywhere for vacation this year. I think it's tough with an 18 month old, a 3 year old and the hubby teaching summer school.  I am certainly not brave enough to fly anywhere with the kiddos, they can't even handle themselves in the car! Hopefully we will be lucky enough to hit up Disney in Fall 2014! :) My summer won't be a total bore since I WILL be going on day trips with my partner in crime, Robyn, and her 2 year old.

I also have a gazillion crafts to complete and my Pinterest list is piling up! I will be sure to take pictures if I get started on any.

Anyone have any awesome vacation plans that I can live vicariously through?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to start mentor sentences with my class this year! Thank you so much for sharing how you use them, Theresa!! I just ordered Enemy Pie so that is a plus:) Thank you for the link to Sarah's conference schedule too! Thanks for linking up. Love you BOTH:)

    I love that you are playing squirt gun wars with your son! My mom just bought this pack of squirt guns last weekend and my 6 year old and 3 year old had a blast! We are not going anywhere for vacation this summer either but go to our campground about 30 minutes away for little getaways. I have a ton on my to-do list too. Enjoy your summer with those adorable kids! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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