Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th! Free Font Friday!

I am so excited to have finally figured out not only how to make fonts, but how to upload them to TPT and share them with you. In honor of the 4th of July...I have for you our first free font!

drum roll please.....

da da da daaaaaa....

So it may not be perfect, but I can assure you that it looks super cute when printed out! 

I have big ideas for more fonts, but first I need to grab my iPad pen from school. I did this one with my finger, in a thunder storm, while balancing two toddlers on my legs. haha

Let me know what you think! Just click on the picture above to download it from my TPT store. Don't forget to leave some feedback with your thoughts! 

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.

Thank you to The Teaching Tribune for hosting the fun linky!


  1. I love that font! I've been trying to research how to create a font. I'd love to hear how you did it!!

    Shifting Teacher K-2

  2. Hey Christin, Thanks for stopping by! Making a font is really fun, but takes some time. I found the app called IFontMaker and once you open it - it is self explanatory! When you are finished you can email it, download it, or send it to a website to download later. If you check out the app, let me know and I can help you more if you get stuck! :)
    Happy 4th!

  3. Very cute font! I have always wondered how to make them...


  4. Ahhhhhh! I. LOVE. THIS. FONT!!!! It is so cuuuuute! I'm downloading it ASAP. Thank you so much!!!

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  5. This is so super cute! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!! So glad I found you through the Free Font Friday linky party!! Fonts are so addictive!! :-)

  6. I love the font, and I'm off to download it. Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth

  7. Hi Theresa and Robyn, I love your blog! I was hoping you might hop over to my blog and enter my giveaway! Thanks!!
    Teacher’s Lounge


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